Capital Projects

Advantages for Plant and Facility Owners

K:spir empowers Plant and Facility owners to manage the SPIR process comprehensively, including OEM data collection, progress reporting, spares evaluation, mapping, governance, and creation of maintenance and repair bills of material (M-BoMs). With OEMs inputting data directly into the system, data governance and quality control are elevated, surpassing traditional processes.

What makes K:spir different?

K:spir stands out as a pioneering Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform that seamlessly integrates digital data from Parts Manufacturers (OPM), Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), and Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) contractors into a unified platform controlled by the Owner/Operator (O/O). It is the sole SPIR platform that unifies these essential parties, ensuring unparalleled collaboration and efficiency.

Unique Features of K:spir

Complete Process Management

Complete Process Management: K:spir empowers the Owner/Operator to oversee the entire process, from collecting OEM data to reporting project progress and costs. It facilitates evaluation of required spares for reliability and maintenance strategies, mapping them to current material master records, and even governs the creation of new material master records.

Cost Reduction and Efficiency

By streamlining processes and centralising data, K:spir significantly reduces costs associated with unnecessary Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) spare parts. Simultaneously, it maximises equipment availability, ensuring optimal operational efficiency.

Elimination of Traditional Processes

Unlike the traditional exchange of spreadsheets between parties, K:spir eliminates multiple touchpoints and flat-file databases. All SPIR data resides in a single SQL database, eliminating complexities and enhancing data integrity.

Additionally, K:spir offers

Seamless Integration with ERP Systems: Create new assets or capital items in your ERP system effortlessly, reconciling them against existing spares inventory.

Business Benefits

Real-Time Collaboration

K:spir enables real-time participation from all stakeholders, fostering efficient decision-making and collaboration.

Expertly Crafted Process

Developed by experts with a deep understanding of data quality requirements, K:spir ensures the creation of high-quality data, minimising unnecessary purchases.

Live Dashboard

Owner/Operators gain real-time insights into SPIR progress and costs through a dynamic dashboard.

Compliance with International Standards

K:spir adheres to International Master Data Quality Standards (ISO 8000, ISO 22745, and ISO 29002), ensuring data accuracy and consistency.

Thesaurus Integration

The built-in thesaurus ensures a comprehensive understanding of terminological items, enhancing data clarity and communication.

Shift Left Review Process

Owner/Operator review of data occurs earlier in the project timeline, eliminating post-handover data complications.

Configurability and Customisation

Fully configurable to suit Owner/Operator data collection requirements, supporting multiple currencies and languages.

Experience the transformational power of K:spir in optimising SPIR processes, reducing costs, and enhancing operational efficiency for plant and facility owners.